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Tips for Postpartum Recovery & Self Care!
Tips for Postpartum Recovery & Self Care!

Tips for Postpartum Recovery & Self Care!

Your baby is finally here...and between diaper changes, feedings and snuggles you have to make sure to take time for some self-care. Here are some tips to aid in your postpartum recovery, ease postpartum anxiety and help you get back to YOU!

Post ­Labor & Delivery Survival

Let's start with the "not so pretty" part. Yes, you will be wearing an adult diaper and while it won’t be the highlight of your postpartum journey, we promise you’ll survive and thrive! Just make sure you have a few essentials at the ready to make this time a bit easier:

Nursing pads and bras – you can never have too many! Our new Nursing Sports Bra is a great option for on-the-go support! 

Stool softeners (yes, they help!) maxi pads, heating pad 
and consider having a peri bottle - simply fill it with warm water to lessen the postpartum sting! 

If you plan to breastfeed, nipple shields and cream are a must.

And of course a great pair of postpartum undies
­ and or a Belly Wrap.  The abdominal compression will feel good and will also give you core and back support. 

Finally, check our Labor and Delivery Kit for all those “little things” you'll need to help make your delivery day easier. 

Postpartum Guidance & Help

Every pregnancy is different. Every baby is different. It doesn't matter whether it’s your first time or 4th time, you'll need support. Physical and emotional support is crucial to postpartum recovery and the reduction of postpartum anxiety. Don’t be shy about asking for help.

We recommend joining the Belly Bandit Squad on Facebook – it’s a great way to form a community with other expecting and new moms

Get your Grove Back

Start by saying, help, to support and to giving yourself the time you need to heal. And of course, a “you’ve got this” mindset will help get you through some of the more difficult postpartum moments and sleepless nights! But remember, if you don’t feel right, seek professional help.

Be patient with yourself

It took your body nine months to make another human. Your recovery will take time, as well. Be patient if you've been worried about your diet and fitness during your pregnancy remember to go easy on yourself and set realistic goals. 

And remember, while your postpartum body will be different, it will also be better for having reached this amazing milestone.

Nourish your Postpartum Body with the Right Nutrients

Whether you are breastfeeding or not, your nutrition is important to recovery. Youll need to maintain a healthy diet in order to have energy for yourself and your newborn. 70% of your recovery is what you eat, so make it count and of course, don't forget to take your vitamins.

Power Nap Often

Did you know that Dali, Einstein, and Aristotle were the masters of the Power Nap? Daily 20­ minute naps, while your baby is sleeping, is the goal. This habit fights off fatigue and allows you to stay alert for longer periods of time.

Pamper Perfect

Pampering from head to toe is another way to show yourself some love. Get your hair done, indulge in a mani/pedi or even up your skincare, body care, and makeup game.

Get Movin’

Getting out and about is key, take a walk with baby and get a little fresh air every day. Don’t worry about making these long outings, do what you can and enjoy the moment! And of course, check out our Mother Tucker collection so whatever you do – you’ll be dressed to compress! 

For more 4th trimester tips head to,